Rubenfeld Synergy Training
Hands-on Instruction
Listening Hand Technique
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® uses empathetic listening touch to directly engage the body in the therapeutic process to release traumatic memories, blockages, and habitual behavior patterns. Touch is used to create a feedback loop for more functional bodymind integration.
Synchronizing Touch & Talk
The skill of touching and talking at the same time is practiced during quarterly trainings that develop control of words, intonation, body language and touch. Trainees learn the 5 stages of a RSM session: contact, deepening, somatic-emotional release, centering and integration.
Group Learning
Trainees connect in groups after hands-on instructional sessions to process, share, discuss and integrate what they’ve learned about the brainbody connection and how to leverage it to help themselves and their clients heal from within and make holistic changes that last.
A somatic therapy approach that is truly holistic
“Rubenfeld Synergy engages both the body and the brain; when the two are congruent, emotional truth emerges.”
Melba Amos,
I’ve been a Certified Rubenfeld Synergist since 2002, and now enjoy an international RSM practice. I use the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® to support and honor each client's journey to living a more authentic and embodied life. I am a past-president of the The International Association of Rubenfeld Synergists and currently sit on the board of The Ilana Rubenfeld Foundation. Today, I am proud to be Co-Director of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® Training Program in Goderich, ON, Canada.
My purpose is to share this life-changing work with others, and I am inspired to teach and mentor those who choose to train in this integrative modality as I did. This comprehensive, transformational and experiential training program is designed to teach individuals the powerful and dynamic healing modality founded by the late Ilana Rubenfeld.
Contact: melba@wholebeingsynergy.com
Michael Herman,
I came to the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® as a graduate of the University of California, Santa Cruz, motivated by my own deep yearning for connection and meaning in my life. I completed the 4-year Washington DC Feldenkrais training in 1991, and completed 7 years of Rubenfeld Synergy Training, including a 4 year training internship, in 2002. From 2005 to 2015, I served as a staff member of Fathers, Sons and Brothers—an experiential, educational and growth workshop for men and the men who work with them.
RSM enables me to honor you for the life that you have lived, for the struggles that you experience, for your gifts, seen and unseen, as well as for the dreams that you have of which you may not yet be aware. You honor me in turn by your willingness to journey with me to the places where you keep your sacred humanity. My experience has led me to a deep appreciation for the gentleness and respect given to the client that are the hallmarks of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®.
Rubenfeld Synergy Training
Our mission is to pass on the knowledge of empathetic listening touch combined with compassionate talk to those in need. If you’re interested in hands-on training reach out, get informed, get in touch. The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® is a natural remedy for the touch deprivation that is blocking our society from healthy relationships—starting with the relationships we have with our own bodies, hearts, minds and souls. We encourage you, as Ilana encouraged us, to touch the blockage at its source.
Public Demonstrations
Participate when Certified Rubenfeld Synergy instructors give demos. Be part of the audience to watch or volunteer to get on the table or sit in a chair to experience the listening hand.
Intro to RSM Workshop
6 hours/$300
Get a one-day introduction to the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® for therapists, bodyworkers, health coaches, educators and anyone seeking better bodymind integration.
Rubenfeld Synergy Training
3 years/$13,500
Become a Certified Rubenfeld Synergist. Comprehensive training & mentoring in empathetic listening touch, verbal interventions, deepening, body memory, somatic-emotional release, story threads and mindbody integration. Training modules meet in-person 3 times per year for 1 week. Payments $4,500/year.